Products and services
They say you shouldn`t judge a book by it`s cover. However, a dignified cover and well-stitched binding can add a lot.
The printing of a book is an art. Every book displays this art in its own way. An art album or anniversary book gains dignity from a strong and beautifully designed hardcover. On the other hand, the advantage of a novel for casual reading is its handy format and lightweight. A good textbook should stand up to having its pages flipped through all the time.
We’ll help find a solution that meets your expectations, as well as those of the end user. If you wish, we also offer image processing, design, and layout services.

Hard cover – Case bound books
A hard cover book lasts a long time. It is the classic book – dignified and durable. Thanks to modern approaches, its design can also be unique and exciting.

Pehmekaanelised raamatud
Pehme kaanega raamat on enamasti pisut soodsam ja kergem, kuid sugugi mitte kehvem. Klassikaline paperback võib olla väga vastupidav ja pakkuda mitmeid põnevaid võimalusi, mida kõva kaane puhul kasutada ei saa.

Other printed material
We mainly print high-quality and unique books. But that’s not all. Tallinn Book Printers also offers other printed items for different purposes and in different sizes. We’re glad to listen to all special requests and to give good advice.
Design, layout, and image processing
In addition to printing and binding services, we can also offer multifaceted assistance in the pre-production of the printing file.
- During the design phase we can advise you on which binding method, format and materials might be best. At the same time, we will work with you on compiling a set of general design principles, choosing a suitable font and size and defining illustration placement.
- When using pictures to illustrate the printed material, we can help with the image processing. If needed, we can also scan different pictures up to an A4 format.
- Layout includes (if needed) text entry, layout, adding picture files, title page and cover design. The layout can be done on the basis of your own mock-up, or we can order a mock-up from a book design artist. After final approval, a print-ready PDF will be produced.

Kujundus, küljendus ja pilditöötlus
Lisaks trüki- ja köitmisteenustele pakume Teile mitmekülgset abi ka trükifailide eeltöötlusel.
- Kujundamise käigus anname nõu, millist köiteviisi, formaati ja materjali eelistada. Ühtlasi paneme koos Teiega paika üldised kujunduse põhimõtted, valides sobiva kirjatüübi ja -suuruse ning otsustades illustratsioonide paigutuse.
- Piltide töötlusega aitame trükise illustreerimiseks kasutatava pildimaterjali puhul. Vajadusel teostame erinevate piltide skaneerimist kuni formaadini A4.
- Küljendamine hõlmab (vajadusel) teksti sisestamist, küljendamist, pildifailide lisamist ning tiitellehe ja kaane kujundamist. Küljendame kas Teie etteantud maketi põhjal või tellime maketi ja kaanekujunduse raamatukunstnikult. Pärast tulemuse lõplikku kinnitamist valmib trükivalmis PDF-fail.
Packaging and transportation
Beautiful books require careful handling and delivery to the client. That is why we pay just as much attention to the transportation of our publications as we do in their production.
- We pack our publications in paper or boxes if they just need a good dry spot and not any specific handling.
- Books are wrapped in thermal film one by one if they need to be protected from being soiled (books with light-coloured covers) or if they contain additional material which might fall out (maps, CDs, etc.).
- International shipping ASASDFASDAS
General terms of producing printed matter
1. Offer
Terms of delivery Standard terms and conditions, which are generally the basis of the relationship between the parties, unless otherwise agreed between the parties
Customer Customer ordering a price offer, Product, or work from Tallinn Book Printers
Contractor Tallinn Book Printers
Party, Parties Customer or Contractor, together Parties
Production Product (book, notebook, calendar, etc.) or work (laminating, binding, etc.) completed by the Contractor upon the Customer’s Order
1.1. An Offer is a proposal to enter into a contract made by the Contractor on the basis of a request received from the Customer for the manufacture of the Products ordered by the Customer.
1.2. The Offer must include the price and other important conditions that can be determined by the Customer’s request.
1.3. The Offer must be in writing or in a form that can be reproduced in writing.
1.4. The Offer is valid during the validity period indicated in the Offer.
1.5. The Offer terminates if the Customer has not responded to it during the validity period of the Offer, or has rejected the Offer.
1.6. The Customer’s response to the Offer, which contains changes, additions, restrictions, or proposals compared to the request, does not bind the Contractor, but the response is considered to be the Customer’s counter-offer (extended request).
1.7. If samples are ordered from the Contractor that does not fit within the scope of the regular Offer (proofs, binding samples, etc.), the Customer is obliged to reimburse the Contractor for the costs incurred in connection therewith even if the Customer cancels the Order.
1.8. Proposals, drawings, models or other preparatory materials attached to the Request and the Offer shall be the property of the sender, and the other Party shall not have the right to use them for other purposes or place them in the possession of third parties.
1.9. With the consent given by the Customer to the Offer, the agreement is considered concluded between the Parties; in matters not provided in the Offer, these Terms of Delivery shall apply.
2. Price
2.1. The price is an integral part of the Offer.
2.2. The Offer shall state whether the price includes VAT or not.
2.3. The price made in foreign currency is based on the exchange rates of Eesti Pank on the day of making the Offer, unless otherwise specified in the Offer.
2.4. The Contractor has the right, in agreement with the Customer, to add to the price the costs caused by:
2.4.1. incomplete material provided by the Customer;
2.4.2. corrections and additions made by the Customer that change the originally approved Offer;
2.4.3. the need for additional work not originally agreed.
2.5. Transport and storage costs shall be borne by the Customer unless otherwise agreed in the Offer.
3. Manufacture and delivery-receipt of products
3.1. In the manufacture of Products, the relations between the Parties are based on the provisions of the Law of Obligations Act regulating employment contracts.
3.2. The Customer is obliged to accept the Products within the agreed term; if the Customer has not unduly received the Product within 30 days from the due date, the risk of accidental destruction and damage of the Product passes from the Contractor to the Customer, which does not release the Customer from the obligation to pay invoices for Production, storage and interest for delay.
3.3. The Contractor shall keep the Product free of charge for one month from the date of completion; from the second month, the Contractor shall calculate the storage fee for the Products in stock, which the Customer shall pay in accordance with the invoices submitted by the Contractor.
3.4. If the Contractor is unable to meet the agreed deadline for reasons which he could not have foreseen when concluding the Contract (delays of suppliers, machine failures, etc.), he or she shall immediately notify the Customer thereof. In such a case, the Customer has the right to withdraw from the agreement, or the Parties agree on a new term.
3.5. If the exact quantity of the Production has not been agreed separately, the actual printed number may differ from the ordered quantity by up to 5%. Payment for the difference between the agreed and actual print run (price increase or price decrease) will be made in accordance with the terms of the Offer.
4. Liability of parties
4.1. The Parties shall be liable to each other for documented damages caused by improper performance of the Contract.
4.2. The parties are not liable for indirect damages caused to each other (lost profits, disruption of economic activities, damage caused to a third party, etc.).
4.3. The Customer has the right to demand a discount in case of defective Products if the nature of the defect is such that the Customer cannot fully use the Products in accordance with the intended purpose.
4.4. The Contractor must retain the right to correct defects or replace defective Products.
4.5. The Customer has no right to reduce the price of the defective Product or to abandon the Product if
4.5.1. the error arises from incomplete or defective source material submitted by the Customer or an error that has not been corrected on the sample approved by the Customer;
4.5.2. there is a slight difference from a given color swatch or paper sample, approved sample, or the like. Paper shall be considered as conforming to the sample if it bears the same paper industry type designation as the sample;
4.5.3. In the absence of a sample, the color balance remains the responsibility of the Customer.
4.6. The Customer has the right to file a claim in case of serious defects in the Product within 7 days after receipt of the Product (or if the Customer should have accepted the Product or inspected it on-site in accordance with the Contract). The claim must be submitted in writing with a precise description of the defects. Products that do not comply with the Contract must be returned to the Contractor within fourteen (14) days.
4.7. Products claimed to be of poor quality must be inspected in the presence of the Parties; a report shall be drawn upon the results of the inspection, stating the reasons.
4.8. If the Parties fail to reach an agreement on the submitted claim, the Parties shall order an expert opinion from an independent expert, whose opinion is binding on the Parties. The costs related to the expert opinion shall be borne by the losing Party.
5. Force majeure
Strike, work stoppage, fire or other overwhelming obstacle beyond the principal or subcontractor’s control shall exempt the principal from keeping to the deadlines. Lack of workforce or raw materials, machinery failure, legal acts or other extraordinary and serious reasons beyond the principal or the subcontractor’s control that could not have been foreseen shall also entitle the principal to extending the deadlines.
In case any of the aforementioned circumstances technically or economically impairs the completion of the agreed work to the extent that the original interests of the client or the principal or both in regards to the results of the order would remain unfulfilled in a significant extent, or continuing with the fulfilment of the order would be unreasonably difficult for either party, the principal shall have the right to terminate the offer or the agreement in full or in the outstanding part. In such case, the client shall have no right to demand compensation for damages incurred, except for a return of property given into the use of the principal.
6. Payment terms
6.1. The price of the Production is agreed upon in the Offer.
6.2. Unless otherwise agreed, the payment deadline is 20 days from the date of the invoice.
6.3. The Parties may agree on partial or full advance payment or payment within agreed deadlines according to the execution of the Order.
6.4. If the Parties have agreed on an advance payment, the Contractor shall not be obliged to manufacture the Products before the advance payment is received.
6.5. If the completion of the Production is delayed through the fault of the Customer, the Contractor may make partial prepayment invoices from the contractual completion date of the Production in accordance with the expenses actually incurred.
6.6. The Contractor shall not be obliged to deliver the Products until the Customer has paid the invoices, the payment term of which has expired.
6.7. If the Customer fails to meet the payment deadline, the Contractor has the right to demand interest on arrears at the rate of 0.5% of the unpaid amount for each day of delay in payment, but not more than 20% of the invoice amount.
6.8. If the Customer disregards the obligations related to the payment for the Products, the Contractor has the right to keep the Products or other assets of the Customer in his possession until the invoices have been paid.
7. Ownership and liability
7.1. Tools, computer programs, files, and other auxiliary materials procured or manufactured by the Contractor for the manufacture of the Products shall be the property of the Contractor, and their ownership shall not be transferred upon delivery of the Products to the Customer.
7.2. Ownership of the Product made upon the Customer’s Order will be transferred to the Customer after full payment for the Product.
7.3. The materials provided by the Customer for the use of the Product by the Contractor shall be the property of the Customer, which shall be kept by the Contractor for up to 3 months after the completion of the Product, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, and removed at the Customer’s arrangement and expense.
7.4. If the value of the materials provided by the Customer to the Contractor is high, the Customer must notify the Contractor thereof in advance.
7.5. The risk of accidental destruction of the Product passes from the Contractor to the Customer from the moment of receipt of the Product. The moment of acceptance is considered to be the moment when the Customer or any person authorized by him or her accepts or should have accepted the Product in accordance with the Contract.
7.6. The Contractor shall not be liable for the legal relations between the Customer and a third party (copyright of the Product, ownership relations, etc.) or for the performance of the obligations arising from the legislation for the Customer during the manufacture of the Product.
8. Other provisions
8.1. The Customer must submit instructions containing important information to the Contractor in writing; the Customer is responsible for the instructions given by the Customer by telephone.
8.2. The sender is responsible for receiving messages between the parties.
8.3. In order to fulfill the obligations provided by the Legal Deposit Copy Act, the Contractor shall take the prescribed copies from the ordered edition of the Production and hand them over to the addressees at the expense of the Customer.
8.4. In the event of a conflict between the delivery terms and the special terms for the performance of a specific order, the special terms agreed between the Parties shall prevail.
8.5. Disputes between the Contractor and the Customer shall be resolved in the course of benevolent negotiations by agreement of the Parties or, if this is not possible, on the basis of the law of the Republic of Estonia in Harju County Court.
What else do you need to know?
There are some conditions associated with the printing of books that are good to know about before placing an order.
- ISBN is a unique international standard book number. It may not be changed, replaced, or reused. The 13-digit ISBN allows the volume to be quickly and accurately identified and makes the ordering and selling of books more efficient. ISBN-s are issued in Estonia by the Estonian ISBN Agency. The service is free. More information can be found HERE.
- Conservation copies are only mandatory for Estonian publication. Four free mandatory copies of every published book in Estonia which must be given to the library according to the conservation copy law. This responsibility is incumbent upon every publisher, be they business, organization, government institution or private individual. By collecting conservation copies, the national body of literature is gathered together and protected. Tallinn Book Printers send the conservation copies to libraries itself. Conservation copies are not included in the accounting of the print run and they are paid for by the publisher. More info HERE and HERE.
- To create and implement copyright, the author does not need to go through any special formalities. Copyright is created when the work is created. However, it is reasonable to denote the copyright of a written work by marking on the back of the title page: Copyright: author’s name, year of publication. More info HERE
- Printed by Tallinn Book Printers is placed on the book as a matter of good practice. Our books have this sentence printed on the back of the title page: Printed at Tallinn Book Printers.
Can a single copy of a book be ordered from Tallinn Book Printers?
Yes, if needed we can print just one copy. However, optimal pricing begins at about 300 copies.
How thick does foil printing need to be?
The minimum line width is 0.15mm. Unfortunately, we are not able to print a line thinner than that.
You offer a wide variety of paper. Do you keep all types of paper in stock?
The types that are in highest demand are always in our warehouse, but that assortment can change over time. Also take note that the delivery of printed matter on some types of paper may take quite some time.
If you have any questions you can contact us. We will reply first chance we get.